Daikin Split Type Inverter Aircon

The Daikin Split Type Inverter Aircon was successfully installed by RBIEL AIR (Daikin Authorized Service Provider) last 18 July 2020 a day after the unit delivery.

12:30PM – Arrival of RBIEL AIR (they have not yet taken a lunch, so they started in a later time)
1:20PM – Start of their installation job (consisting of 5 personnel)
5:17PM – Start of testing of the Daikin Split Type Inverter Aircon unit
5:33PM – Paid the installation fee and they left

The installation was smooth without any issues, the indoor unit seems to fit on the wall where it was placed, there was a clearance of 2-3cm on both sides.


The bottom where there is an insulator is the original stock window type aircon 0.75HP, above is the Daikin Split Type Inverter Aircon unit, we placed the insulator in order for coolness of the Daikin Split Type Inverter Aircon no to go through the window type aircon which we no longer use.

Installation requires 6 inches clearance from the ceiling for the circulation of airflow. The hole where the tubes and electrical wiring are located in the lower left back portion of the indoor unit and it looks hidden and tidy.

While the outdoor unit, they have with them a welding machine and an L bar metal to build the bracket on-site. Also they install the safety breaker on a waterproof enclosure beside the outdoor unit.

So, 2 days after installation the Daikin Split Type Inverter Aircon works really well. We will see in a few months the electric bill that the Daikin Split Type Inverter Aircon consumes.

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