Online Remote Working sites

If you would like to work online in the comfort of your home, then this is for you.

Here is the list of useful sites for online remote working.
It used to be oDesk but changed to Upwork, the current disadvantage is you need to purchase what they called Connects to bid for the online remote job. If you need to work this site is quite nice.
It is also an online remote working site, its domain is .ph but is an international website, you can also login using its .com site. I have not tried it yet.
This is a website for testing applications while in the comfort of your home.
This is also an online remote working site. Also have not tried it yet.

Just be ready to have a online payment account like PayPal, as most online remote working sites uses PayPal to pay for the salary of work done by online workers or freelancers. Be sure to check the features and terms of each online remote working sites as some of them are requiring you to pay for a feature in order to bid for the job. If you are a client looking to do an app or system for your needs, you can post your required job work to make your work easier for someone who works for you.

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