This is a continuation of my first blog entry here at my blog
Please read the first part before continuing reading this. Thank You!
I still want to say sorry even though if she hasn’t read this yet.
If she had read it, all I want is to be forgiven even if I had to beg for it and go to quiapo church I’ll still want to say my sorry for all the things that I have done.
This is a very big deal to me, it involves a girl which I fell into. But we haven’t yet been that close to each other. We haven’t yet been talking to each other since the incident. I feel so sorry to what all I done since my life was such miserable. Life is short and little, so this time I want to correct my life. By being forgiven on such bad thing I done.
All I want is to say “I am sorry!”. Please give me such chance. And I will correct myself before I do it again.